Alicante Airport Car Hire

i wonder if anyone could help and recommend the best hire company based at the no hidden costs no fuel charges etc...what you pay online is all you pay...many thanks.


Commented Douglas in La Marina 2013-01-05 08:59:55 UTC

Government warns of tax rebate phishing scam

TAX authorities in Spain have warned of a series of 'phishing' emails going round purporting to be from them and telling the recipient he or she has a refund due.

These emails, which the tax ministry says look very authentic, ask for the person's bank details to reimburse them overpaid tax for the previous year.

This then allows the sender to empty the victim's account.

Normally, to get a tax refund due, residents have to fill out a form very similar to that which shows on the email.

But the ministry says it only ever returns overpaid tax via strictly-controlled and secure channels, usually by mailing a hard copy of the refund notice in the post from the government's tax collection agency, the Agencia Tributaria.

The ministry of tax will never ask for credit card or debit card details via a form on their website.

They have uncovered the scam as a result of various reports from residents in Spain saying they had received these emails.


Dogs Poo

Parts of Calpe will soon be knee deep in dogs mess unless something is done to rectify the situation. Judging by the amount of poo around every tree, on the roads, pavements and graveled areas, I would say at least 75% of dog owners do not pick up after their dog. Dog owners should be ashamed of how they are downgrading some areas, by turning into one huge dogs toilet. Have these people not got a conscience or any pride in where they live?
The UK used to be the same until it became socially unacceptable not to pick up after your dog and now the situation is vastly improved.
So please dog owners pick up after your dog and take some pride in the place; make life better for us all and Calpe a place that we can be proud to live in. Written by Salty Dog


Hate to say it but I think Spain has a long way to go yet on this subject.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2013-01-04 10:06:55 UTC

Bar Tres Palmeras

Wednesday Night

Bingo night every Wednesday from 19:30, 'Sunday Joint' Raffle every Friday and various events through the week at Bar Tres Palmeras, Calle Jardin.
Food available Contact Betty. Tel: 965 836 554.


Fancy A Cup of Coffee?

Just click the link and you can have One.................


Speakers For Sale

A pair of Top Music Sound Speakers, 500 watt base, good working order these are big heavy duty great speakers especially for big venues and outside gigs, 100e for the pair.


French Restaurant

Restaurant La Bas is a traditional family-run French Restaurant with Live Music & Entertainment, located in the center of Calpe.
The restaurant offers quality French cuisine together with a lively atmosphere with nightly live jazz music & dancing.
695 046 659 / 695 046 658
Adelaide & Sergio


That looks ok, liked the music. But what is the address please?
Had a look in the services section above but they have not been listed up there.

Commented Daisy in La Marina 2012-12-30 09:28:03 UTC

The Big winners in Spain's annual lottery

Al Goodman reports on the winners of Spain's multibillion-dollar annual Christmas lottery.


Restaurante Maryvilla

One of the best restaurants in Calpe Costa Blanca, with German and Mediterranean cuisine, ideal for all types of celebrations, weddings, birthdays, romantic dinners and enjoy the fine cuisine at a good price.

Address of this forum

Several times recently while out talking to friends i have tried to remember the name of this site, each time i seem to fail. So a question to the powers that be? Do you not have a leaflet or a poster that i could download and print out that i could then keep in my bag, to be able to show?


Commented Ian in La Marina 2012-12-27 12:03:22 UTC
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